Montag, 14. Oktober 2019

Erasmus Days 2019 with Bundesministerin Rauskal

Our Erasmus+ national agency OeAD and the minister of education, Mrs. Rauskala visited our school on October 9th 2019 for an Erasmus Day opening ceremony!
It was a very special honour for us to present our Erasmus+ projects to a lot of important people:

  • Fr. Bundesministerin für Bildung...Fr. Iris Rauskala (minister of education)
  • Fr. Bezirksschulinspektorin/SQM Fr. Dr. Ursula Huber
  • Hr. Bezirksvorsteher (local politician) Resch
  • Fr. Deborah Burger vom Europabüro der Bildungsdirektion (board of education)
  • OeAD GF Jakob Calice und Fr. Ursula Panuschka (national agency)
  • Fr.Jechsmayer vom Elternverein (parents' association)

The 2c class presented a song and dance performance and the students of the 3b and 4b presented our Erasmus+ Projects:
  • "Escaping War - Sharing Refugees' Memories" with our Spanish partner school (Girona)
  • "Our Planet - Our Future" with a new Spanish partner school (Sevilla)
  • "How to motivate challenging students - Both gifted and problematic students" with a Finish partner school

Welcome speech from our headmistress Eva-Maria Winter-DeRouin, GF Jakob Calice from the national agency and the minister of education Mrs. Iris Rauskala

 Dancing performance from 2c

 Presentaion of our Erasmus+ projects

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